All-Jupyter Community Video Call - April 2019#
Date: 30 April 2019 at 9am PST (your timezome)
Video-conference link:
Welcome to the Team Meeting#
The purpose of these monthly video conference calls is to share and demonstrate the awesome things happening in Jupyter community. We invite anyone to present their work, engage in discussion, or just sit in and listen. Whether you have a new lab extension you’ve created, a new jupyterhub deployment you’re excited about, or an nteract papermill pipeline powering your business, we’d love to hear about it! And, we’ll record and publish these calls on YouTube for anyone unable to attend.
For more discussion on the format of these calls, see the thread here.
Short reports, celebrations, shout-outs#
This is a place to make short announcements (without a need for discussion). This is also a great place to give shout-outs to contributors! We’ll read through these at the beginning of the meeting.
[x] Shout-out to @GrahamDumpleton for continued well-researched improvements to security (e.g., [name=Peter Parente]
[x] Some initial work on enabling Jupyter documentation translation is happening in If you would like to contribute a translation, review one in progress, or help document the process itself, please reach out in the issue. Thanks to @michiboo (Micky), @Nico769 (Nicola), and @Allanfs (Allan) for starting translations! [name=Peter Parente]
[x] Work is being done to use BinderHub fully in AWS (hosted docker registry, ECR, and hosted git repository, CodeCommit are the current areas). [name=Chico Venancio]
[x] JupyterLab 1.0.0a3 has been released since our last call. There are a ton of updates. One thing I specifically want to give a shout out to is the document search feature that Andrew Schlaepfer built which allows building custom search functionality for different document types. Install the new version to take it for a spin:
pip install --pre jupyterlab
[name=Darian][x] RISE 5.5.0 was released, more info about the release in this blogpost: [name=Damián]
[x] A big shout-out to Paul Ivanov for helping organize a “Jupyter Open Studio Day” at Bloomberg in SF. Lots of great people came, shared ideas, learned, and generally celebrated open source stuff! [name=Chris H (but I won’t be able to attend the meeting)]
[x] (a few quick shout-outs from Chris) Papermill 1.0 is released! Congrats to the nteract community for releasing papermill 1.0, a tool for parametizing / pipelining notebooks. See the Discourse for some more links. [name=Chris H (but I won’t be able to attend the meeting)]
[x] Many thanks to @KirstieJane and @betatim for improving the contributing documentation in repo2docker (link to one PR on this) [name=Chris H (but I won’t be able to attend the meeting)]
[x] IPython 7.5 out ! (mostly bugfixes) [name=Matthias, at airport so will stay muted] (Shout out to Matthias for this too!)
[x] Matthias,Paul,Carol… are at PyCon for a tutorial (Thursday), and have Jupyter stickers ! [name=Matthias, at airport so will stay muted]
[ ] add item here [name=add your name]
Agenda Items#
Add your potential agenda item here 24 hours before the meeting at the latest. We will reorganize the agenda so that it fits in the 60m meeting slot.
[x] Updates from the nteract project [name=Safia Abdalla]
New release of the cross-platform nteract desktop app is out.
papermill v1.0 is released.
[x] Jupyter at the University of Edinburgh, a walkthrough of the Noteable service [name=James Slack]
Overview of what’s happening at University of Edinburgh
Large support teams.
Very open mindset.
How Jupyter came to the University
Small scale adoption to start
Students were installing Jupyter on university computers.
Make Jupyter a shared central service.
JupyterHub service university wide for use in education.
Pilot phase of Noteable.
6 courses with 6 different schools (~600 students).
Political science, art, computer science…
Integrated with nbgrader.
Questions and comments:
Connections or interactions with Canadian group? [name=Lindsey Heagy]
Is this running in the cloud or university server? [name=Anton Akhmerov]
University server
Have you explored Binderhub? [name=Chico Vernancio]
BinderHub now can run with “auth” and persistent storage, see for more details and a live demo (ask @betatim if you have more questions)
[ ] Introducing the rewrite of jupyter-sphinx (example here) and a discussion about markup format in the notebooks ( [name=Anton Akhmerov]
Publishing documents with complex content and computed output.
Questions/Comments: - [name=matthias (can’t speak)]: I’d love to merge that with ipython built-in sphinx-ext, /(deprecate sphinx-ext potentially as it’s not well maintained (sphix-ext docs)
[ ] Quantum Chemistry Database exploration with Jupyter through the QCArchive project, [name=Daniel Smith].
The Molecular Sciences Software Institute
NSF funded.
Designed to serve and enhance software development efforts of broad field of computational molecular science.
8 universities represented on Board of Directors
Github org:
Join our Slack to get involved.
Is this user created content or hostesd content?
Completely user created.
[ ] May 13 & 14 W4A Hackathon on Accessibility of JupyterLab
[ ] Add your item here [name=and your name]
University of Edinburgh materials and contact:#
Noteable -
nbgrader Hackathon -
Presentation -
In Attendance#
Name / Institution / Github Handle
Zach / Jupyter Cal Poly / @Zsailer
Pete / Thorn / @parente
James Slack / University of Edinburgh / @jamesaslack
Anton Akhmerov / TU Delft / @akhmerov
Peter Rose / UC San Diego / @pwrose
A. T. Darian / Two Sigma / @afshin
Ward Harold / Google / @wkharold
Damián Avila / / @damianavila
Chico Venancio / BMC Group K.K. / @chicocvenancio
Eric Lesch / BMC Group K.K. / @EricLesch
James Munroe / Memorial University of Newfoundland / @jmunroe
Lindsey Heagy / UC Berkeley / @lheagy
Daniel Smith / The Molecular Sciences Software Institute / @dgasmith
Michael Milligan / U. Minnesota/MSI / @mbmilligan
Kevin Bates / IBM / @kevin-bates
Cindy Wu / / @cindywu
Joe Hamman / NCAR / @jhamman
Nick Bollweg / GTRI / @bollwyvl
Tom Baldwin / Cascade Data Labs / @baldwint
Pete Blois / Google Colab / @blois
Ana Ruvalcaba / Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo/Jupyter / @ruv7
Tim Head / Project Binder / Zurich / @betatim
Matthias Bussonnier / Jupyter Project / @carreau
Tim George / Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo/Jupyter / @tgeorgeux